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Welcome to our newest Golden Knights!

Everyone says it’s all about the first year, but what does that mean? At The College of Saint Rose, it means making the most of your college experience – both in and out of the classroom. We’ve developed a First-Year Experience (FYE) comprised of a diverse and engaging spectrum of academic and co-curricular programs, activities and outreach to build a foundation for your success.

FYE begins with New Student and Family Orientation, which introduces you to the academic expectations and campus engagement opportunities at Saint Rose. As a new student, this is an exciting time filled with nervous anticipation. We encourage you to have an open mind, embrace opportunities to meet new friends, try something new and always ask questions. And remember, New Student and Family Orientation isn’t just “registering” for campus. It’s a platform to jump-start a rich and rewarding college career at The College of Saint Rose.

Our goal is to provide a seamless transition from New Student and Family Orientation to your first day of classes. As such, we offer a customized orientation experience for resident, commuter and transfer students, which take place prior to the start of the semester. All new students are expected to participate in the orientation program, which focuses on your academic and social transition to the campus community.

Throughout your transition to the campus community, a team of professionals will provide support, resources and encouragement to help you settle into your first semester. Every new student is assigned a Faculty Advisor and an Academic Advisor to assist with your academic transition.

As each day passes, you’ll build momentum towards achieving your academic goals, following your passion and graduating from Saint Rose. Know that we’ll be right there with you, every step of the way! Making the most of your first-year experience means choosing to be an engaged member of the campus community. Research shows that an engaged student is more likely to succeed! We encourage students to join a club or organization, attend campus activities, participate in a variety of service and leadership events, and partake in the various athletic and cultural events on campus.

First-year students who have achieved a minimum 2.75 GPA after their first semester will be invited to participate in a dynamic, high-quality leadership training program. is designed to recognize and nurture your leadership potential allowing you to build networks with other student leaders while building a strong leadership foundation. The program features a combination of live broadcasts with nationally recognized speakers, a leadership training day, goal setting, success networking team meetings and written reflections. After successful completion of the requirements, students are inducted into Sigma Alpha Pi, a leadership honor society.

When you take full advantage of your Saint Rose First-Year Experience, you will:

  • Gain confidence and competence as a college-level student;
  • make positive connections with faculty, administrators, staff and peers;
  • engage in behaviors and make decisions that promote personal health and well-being;
  • develop an awareness of the impact of your personal choices; and
  • develop a connection to the The College of Saint Rose and an understanding of your place in its vibrant community.

Here’s to an amazing journey ahead. Savor every moment along the way!